Norse realms that survive yggdrasial
Norse realms that survive yggdrasial

norse realms that survive yggdrasial

These humans received life from the gods and were placed on Midgard to live. Furthermore, the Norse creation myth included the fashioning of the first humans, Ask and Embla, from two trees by the deities. Thus, Niflheim and Muspelheim were the antagonistic forces that engendered the cosmos. The gods Odin, Vili, and Ve subsequently put an end to Ymir and used his corporeal remains to forge the realms. Muspelheim’s fiery heat melted the icy terrain of Niflheim, initiating the emergence of life, which took the form of the entity Ymir. It was a place of blazing heat and radiant light, serving as the source of all the fire in the Norse cosmos.Īccording to Norse mythology, the convergence of Niflheim and Muspelheim marked the genesis of the universe. Conversely, Muspelheim was a realm of fire, also existing before the universe’s creation, and represented an antithesis to Niflheim. This world was associated with obscurity, low temperatures, and demise, and was considered the origin of all the rivers and streams that flowed throughout the Norse universe. Niflheim was regarded as a primeval realm characterized by frigid mist and ice, predating the universe’s inception. In Norse mythology, Niflheim and Muspelheim were two prominent realms that played a pivotal role in the genesis of the cosmos.

norse realms that survive yggdrasial

Muspelheim and Niflheim: The Primeval Realms of Fire and Ice in Norse Cosmology Odin and his Brothers Create the World by Lorenz Frølich, Unknown, via Wikimedia Commons

Norse realms that survive yggdrasial